Business & Corporate Law

Business & Corporate Law Sole Proprietorships, Corporations, LLC, S-Corps, Employment Disputes, Construction Law
There are many available forms your small business can take, from the sole proprietorship to the corporation. Selecting the best business entity will enable you to take full advantage of tax breaks and limit liability for your actions or the actions of employees.

Sometimes a business is best served by having members or managers run it via a Limited Liability Company. Other times, a corporation, or a variation of the corporation—the S-corporation, is the best avenue. Talking with an attorney at Bohnet, Romani & Farrington, P.A. is an extremely important decision when it comes to business formation.There are many available forms your small business can take, from the sole proprietorship to the corporation. Selecting the best business entity will enable you to take full advantage of tax breaks and limit liability for your actions or the actions of employees.

Employment Disputes

Discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination are examples of some of the accusations employees make against an employer. If you feel you have been treated unfairly in the workplace, do not hesitate to contact an employment law attorney. Likewise, if you are an employer, there are many proactive steps which can be taken to reduce your chances of litigation. There are limitations on the amount of time you have to bring a claim against an employer; otherwise, you may lose the right to bring a claim at all.

Similarly, it is important for employers to take proactive steps to prevent harassment in the workplace. Consulting an attorney is the first step in putting those measures in place.
